Monday, February 06, 2006

Catching up with Homework

I've gotten totally behind in my math homework since I've been to two conferences in a row in just 2 weeks. In the future, I'm definitely going to not do two big things in the first month of a new quarter. But now, I'm catching up and things are making sense. I just finished section 2.4 homework. 2.4 is about inverse functions and overall, chapter 2 is about functions, quadratics, and concavity. The homework went pretty well, I only had a couple of questions which the solutions manual answered easily. The only number I don't know the answer to is #14, since it's an even problem. Just to focus on this one, it's about finding the inverse function of H=f(t)=(5/9)(t-32). H is temperature in Celsius and t is in Fahrenheit. Since I got #15 correct (asking to evaluate certain expressions, which included some inverse functions), I know I understood #14 correctly and got the answer right.

I already read and did the homework for section 2.5 (concavity) since I had a quiz on 2.1 through 3.1 last Friday (which I got a 47/50 on!). I'm just going to glance over 2.5 and see if anything weird pops out at me. If not, I'm going to move onto 2.6 which is about quadratic functions. OH! Wait, actually I already completed the homework for 2.6. I did the homework last Thursday to get ready for the quiz as well. Okay, so actually, I'll glance over 2.5 (concavity) and 2.6 (quadratic funtions) and then do the review exercises for all of chapter 2 since 2.6 is the last section. Then, I will read and do the homework for section 3.1. Chapter 3 is about exponential functions and section 3.1 is the introduction to the family of exponential functions. I'll see how it goes!


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