Thursday, March 16, 2006

Getting ready for third (and last) exam (excluding final)

Right now I'm studying for the third and last exam in my precalc class. I decided to type all of the section titles here because they help me remember what's in each section so here it is..

Chapter 5 (only 5.5 through 9.4 are on exam, but all of 5 is needed to understand the concepts)- Transformations of Functions and their Graphs:
5.1: Vertical and Horizontal Shifts
5.2: Reflections and Symmetry
5.3: Vertical Stretches and Compressions
5.4: Horizontal Stretches and Compressions
5.5: The Family of Quadratic Functions

Chapter 8 (we skipped 6 and 7 and we're going back to 6 soon)- Compositions, Inverses, and Combinations of Functions:
8.1: Composition of Functions
8.2: Inverse Functions
8.3: Combinations of Functions

Chapter 9 (not all of nine is on exam, 9 goes up to 9.7)- Polynomial and Rational Functions:
9.1: Power Functions
9.2: Polynomial Functions
9.3: The Short-Run Behavior of Polynomials
9.4: Rational Functions

So, these are all the sections that will be covered on tomorrow's exam.. wow! The things I need to do right now are: ask my dad a couple questions about the first practice test I took (that my teacher gave us), briefly look through all three chapters' review parts (I've already looked at chapter 9 so just 5 and 8), and then look and do some of the problems in the two other practice tests my teacher gave us. I also just finished writing really really tiny on my 3 by 5 notecard (front and back) that my teacher allows us to use for these exams (and a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper is allowed for the final) and we can put anything we want on it. At this point, I really like to have this notecard. I actually haven't ended up using the previous 2 notecards (for the previous 2 exams) during the exams but it really helped and got the info into my head by just writing it down. Hopefully, by writing this blog, I'm getting even more important info into my head! Well, off to do all of these tasks I've assigned myself, hopefully I can get all of them done and still get some sleep (since the exam starts at 7:50 AM tomorrow and I want to be there early).

Oh, also, this weekend I'll try and put in an update about what math I'm going to take next quarter. HA, well not exactly and update.. but more like telling what my options are.. that sounds confusing, but it will become clearer when I actually tell you (whoever 'you' is)!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Chapter 9 and third exam

I just finished section 9.1 (power functions) and I've started reading 9.2 (polynomial functions). Chapter 9 is about polynomial and rational functions. I'm definitely learning a lot from this class and I'm almost done! Only two more weeks until the end of the quarter. I have the third (optional) exam this coming Friday and I'm going to prepare by getting all my homework done, understanding the concepts, and doing the two practice tests that my teacher has given us. I need to go pick up the other test tomorrow since it wasn't in the folder in the library last Friday.

I'm going to go to my teachers's office hours on Tues (tomorrow) and Thursday because I think I'll be able to understand more if I talk with someone else. My interenet connection is extremely slow for some reason right now so I'm going to get back to 9.2!